Monday, October 16, 2017

AsTTle Preparation

Monday 16 October's Learning

Welcome back to Term 4. I hope you have had a restful and happy break. This week we are going to focus on preparing for the PAT reading assessment and the asTTle writing assessment.

We will be reading a variety of texts and revising the strategies needed to be able to respond thoughtfully and correctly to questions.

We will be looking at the structure and techniques needed to develop a convincing piece of persuasive writing. You will have several opportunities to write and continue to hone these skills.
There will be a presentation that you will be able to refer back to to help you complete tasks.

You will need to bring a positive attitude and a growth mindset to these tasks and give a 100% effort. This hard work will pay off in your assessments.

All of the learning tasks and resources will be in the Hapara workspace.AsTTle and PAT Reading Preparation,

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