Monday, October 16, 2017

AsTTle Preparation

Monday 16 October's Learning

Welcome back to Term 4. I hope you have had a restful and happy break. This week we are going to focus on preparing for the PAT reading assessment and the asTTle writing assessment.

We will be reading a variety of texts and revising the strategies needed to be able to respond thoughtfully and correctly to questions.

We will be looking at the structure and techniques needed to develop a convincing piece of persuasive writing. You will have several opportunities to write and continue to hone these skills.
There will be a presentation that you will be able to refer back to to help you complete tasks.

You will need to bring a positive attitude and a growth mindset to these tasks and give a 100% effort. This hard work will pay off in your assessments.

All of the learning tasks and resources will be in the Hapara workspace.AsTTle and PAT Reading Preparation,

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Assessment: Formal and Creative Writing.

Friday 22 September's Learning.

We have read the novel, worked on questions and summaries and we have enjoyed the film which gave you a visual understanding of the reality of the life for the characters in the book and their community. The film really highlighted the issues around dumpsite communities, the extreme poverty and differences in wealth between the rich and the poor. It also helped us understand the issues of police brutality and corruption, it also emphasized the strong friendship between the boys and the power of hope and doing the right thing.

We will now be working to complete the assessments for this unit. This is a piece of formal and creative writing. These tasks are in the Hapara workspace. You will spend the rest of the term working to complete these tasks.

You can use your chapter summaries  and the novel to help you as you work through these tasks.

Trash work space link and assessment tasks and marking rubric.

Monday, August 28, 2017

'Trash' By Andy Mulligan

29 August Tuesday's Learning.

We are underway with the reading of our extended text study, 'Trash' by Andy Mulligan.  This is a dramatic and wonderful story.
We are now going to begin the work on completing Chapter Summaries. This is an important skill to learn as you will use it in English throughout high school.
In this task you will be required to go back and re-read independently the first 4 chapters and complete the summary work. There is work already in the table to show you how this task needs to be completed.

LI: We are learning to respond to an extended text.

SC: I can actively re-read the chapters and complete the summary table by;

  •  identifying the main points in the text.
  • selecting a relevant quote to support my ideas
  • identify and explain the important message
  • describe aspects of the setting
  • give your own opinion about the critical question in each chapter.  
Lesson Sequence

The BIG Question
This is where you will respond to a question in the Hapara workspace 

Chapter Summary Table

We will look at how we tackle this task together as a class, we will contribute our ideas and then work to put those ideas into the correct column in the table. 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Dumpsite Communities - Research Report

Monday 14 August's Learning

This week we are going to continue with our pre- reading work for our novel around the Dumpsite Communities we have been learning about. Thank you for your hard work, contributions to discussions in the tasks form last week. I think some of the discussions that we had certainly challenges us all to think about how difficult and complicated some of these situations are.
This week we are going to further develop our report writing skills and we work to complete the research report based around these communities.

All of this work is located in the Hapara workspace

Dumpsite Communities- Research Report

LI: We are learning to write a research report about a dumpsite community.

SC: I have taken notice of the task requirements, note taking template, the resources,
SC: I have read the requirements for each part of the report and used this to guide my note taking.
SC: I have actively researched and made relevant notes for each section of my report.
SC: I have used my notes to write a paragraph following the SEX-Y structure.
SC: I can proof read and edit my paragraphs as I work.

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing: The choices are in the workspace and are in the evidence section coded red.
Free Writing Choices  This link will take you straight there to the required document.

Task Requirements.

This is where we will go over the set research task so you are clear about what is required and where the resources are. This will include the assignment, note taking table, and specifically looking at the guiding questions in each section of the report. This will include the introduction, main paragraphs and the conclusion.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Dumpsite Communities

Monday 7 August's Learning

This week we are beginning to work on our pre-reading tasks for the novel study. These activities over the week are designed to build up our background knowledge that will help you to understand the novel.
These activities will make you think and reflect and may be challenging at times. This novel study helps us to broaden our own understanding of the wider issues in the world that are very different to our own experiences and our way of life.

You will need to think carefully and share your ideas and opinions about these issues in a positive and meaningful manner.

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing  The choices are in the evidence section of this work space.
Free Writing

Dumpsite Communities Viewing Activity.

Dumpsite Communities Task

Monday, July 3, 2017

'Paper Planes' Connections

Monday 3 July's Learning.

Thanks for all your hard work during exam week. Well done. The end of Term 2 is in sight. This week we are going to concentrate and complete a few tasks that need finishing and also respond to a connection to the film Paper Planes that we watched last week.

Lesson Sequence

Directed Class  Reading: 'My Family' P19, from 'How to say Delicious' Journal of Secondary Students' Writing 2005

We will spend some time in today's lesson completing a self reflection task about English. This work is set up in a Hapara work space.

Link to Self Reflection Task

We are then going to carry out a research task looking at the  Kiwi connection from Paper Planes. This is also in Hapara workspace.

The Kiwi Connection

Monday, June 19, 2017

Storm: Reading Skills.

Monday June 19's learning

Today we are continuing to develop our skills in reading for meaning and showing understanding. We are going to be looking at a small excerpt from a piece of creative writing. We are going to use our skills in reading on the lines, between the lines and beyond the lines to write thoughtful and relevant answers to questions about the text.

Lesson Sequence

Read and discuss the text.

Make notes on the copy of the paper text to help you work through the activities associated with this text.

This link will take to you the work in Hapara