Thursday, June 8, 2017

Rhyme and Rhythm: At The End of The Driveway

Thursday June 8's Learning.

Today we are going to work to create our own language feature poster about Rhyme and Rhythm, this will be a whole class activity, that you will start work on. I will begin to work with small groups looking at responding to the poem, 'At The End of The Driveway' By Tim Upperton.

This work is already in your Hapara workspace.

All of the instructions for today's lesson are on the board, including the groups that I will be working with.

LI:  We are learning to develop our notes into a written paragraph that explains a key phrase from the

SC:I can discuss my ideas with my group.
     I can use my notes to write a brief paragraph using the SEX-Y structure to explain the phrase from the
     I can proofread and edit  my work.

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing: Select on of your pieces to continue to develop further.

Set Reading: 'Dear Joe' by Mihi Tibble from A Journal of Secondary Student's Writing 1992

We will then look at an example of a poster about Rhyme and Rhythm, go over the instructions on the board, and you will begin work on this task as I work with groups at the conference table.

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