Monday, August 14, 2017

Dumpsite Communities - Research Report

Monday 14 August's Learning

This week we are going to continue with our pre- reading work for our novel around the Dumpsite Communities we have been learning about. Thank you for your hard work, contributions to discussions in the tasks form last week. I think some of the discussions that we had certainly challenges us all to think about how difficult and complicated some of these situations are.
This week we are going to further develop our report writing skills and we work to complete the research report based around these communities.

All of this work is located in the Hapara workspace

Dumpsite Communities- Research Report

LI: We are learning to write a research report about a dumpsite community.

SC: I have taken notice of the task requirements, note taking template, the resources,
SC: I have read the requirements for each part of the report and used this to guide my note taking.
SC: I have actively researched and made relevant notes for each section of my report.
SC: I have used my notes to write a paragraph following the SEX-Y structure.
SC: I can proof read and edit my paragraphs as I work.

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing: The choices are in the workspace and are in the evidence section coded red.
Free Writing Choices  This link will take you straight there to the required document.

Task Requirements.

This is where we will go over the set research task so you are clear about what is required and where the resources are. This will include the assignment, note taking table, and specifically looking at the guiding questions in each section of the report. This will include the introduction, main paragraphs and the conclusion.

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