Monday, August 28, 2017

'Trash' By Andy Mulligan

29 August Tuesday's Learning.

We are underway with the reading of our extended text study, 'Trash' by Andy Mulligan.  This is a dramatic and wonderful story.
We are now going to begin the work on completing Chapter Summaries. This is an important skill to learn as you will use it in English throughout high school.
In this task you will be required to go back and re-read independently the first 4 chapters and complete the summary work. There is work already in the table to show you how this task needs to be completed.

LI: We are learning to respond to an extended text.

SC: I can actively re-read the chapters and complete the summary table by;

  •  identifying the main points in the text.
  • selecting a relevant quote to support my ideas
  • identify and explain the important message
  • describe aspects of the setting
  • give your own opinion about the critical question in each chapter.  
Lesson Sequence

The BIG Question
This is where you will respond to a question in the Hapara workspace 

Chapter Summary Table

We will look at how we tackle this task together as a class, we will contribute our ideas and then work to put those ideas into the correct column in the table. 

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