Monday, April 3, 2017

My Hero And Their Journey

Monday 3 April

We are continuing to build on our skills in being able to identify and describe the stages of the hero cycle in a story or a clip that you  have selected or will select. You will present this work in google slides and work through the tasks to make sure you have meet all the requirements.
I will work with you and help you to achieve your goals in this assignment.

 We will begin this work in class tomorrow Tuesday P1, and we will continue to work on this task throughout the rest of the week. You will share your assignment with me on Tuesday April 11.

I have smart shared this assignment with you and it is in your English folder, so you will be able to get to work straight away.

You are encouraged to make this presentation as interesting and as creative as you can. There is a lot of individual choice in this assignment but you will have to be careful how you manage your own time in class. You may need to do some work at home.

Lesson Sequence for Tuesday 4 April P1.

Silent Reading
Then I will take you through the assignment and explain what it is you will need to do.
There will be time for questions.
You will all begin work on your assignment in class while I work with students who I  didn't get to see on Monday.
We will also this week make sure your self reflection task is completed and has been edited ready for you to post to your own personal Blog.

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