Thursday, March 30, 2017

Patrick's Challenges

Thursday March 30

We are going to work today and Friday to write up our SEX-Y paragraphs identifying and describing a part of the hero cycle that the main character Patrick from the short film 'Butterflies' goes through as he begins to accept his challenge.

The work that you have done in your group has been an opportunity to view the film and read the stages of a heroes journey and this will help you with your task to respond the the film  using the SEX-Y paragraph structure. Thank you to those group who shared their learning with each other and me yesterday in the library.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Free Writing ( choices are on the whiteboard)

Your work in responding to the film 'Butterflies' is in a  Hapara workspace. Click on the link below to take you to this space.

Responding to the film,'Butterflies' using the SEX-Y structure.

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