Sunday, April 30, 2017

Responding to the film Hunt for The Wilderpeople

Sunday 30 April

Monday 1 May

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a good rest and a break. We will have some time at the start of the lesson to catch up and set new goals and expectations for our learning environment.

We will then finish viewing the very last part of the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople and begin to work in pairs to complete an activity responding to the film.
Together we will go over what it means to work collaboratively with a partner  to complete a set task, and we will  set some expectations around this way of working.

 You will all identify a partner you can work with, and set some expectations around this way of working and begin to work on the set activity responding to the film.

I have smart shared this document with you, and it is in your English folder. It is called, Hunt for the Wilderpeople- Response Questions.

LI: We are working in pairs to respond to the film

SC: I can work with my partner cooperatively to complete the set task.
SC; My partner and I can discuss the questions and respond in a thoughtful manner.
SC: My partner and I can identify specific evidence from the film to support our answers.
SC: My partner and I can discuss and respond to the wider issues raised in the film.

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