Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Re-draw the Hero's Journey

Wednesday 3 May

Thursday 4 May

Today we are going to continue to work in  pairs to show the Hero's journey in the visual text, 'The Hunt for The Wilderpeople'. As discussed previously in class you may choose how you are going to show this.

LI: We are learning to use the Hero's journey to analyse the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

SC: My drawing or document shows 9 to 12 stages of the hero cycle.
SC: My drawing or document is well presented and ready to share  with the class.

Today's lesson:

1.  Research and view the models of the hero's journey.
2. Choose your method: sketch/draw on paper, or create a Google drawing, to represent the hero's journey. Include:
           - Text labels for each of the stages
           - Arrows to show the direction of the journey
3. Colour your drawing to make it suitable for the wall, or to post on your blog. 

Extra for Experts: add a screenshot or image from Hunt for the Wilderpeople to each stage in the journey.

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