Monday, May 29, 2017

Presentation Skills.

Tuesday 29 May's learning

We are going to look at the skills involved in presenting your assignment. We are going to view some past examples of  student's work, and discuss the skills that  are evident in these clips.

To start us off  we are going view Mr Brewer's tips

Top Tips for Oral Presentations

You will have time to develop your own skills in presenting, and complete any work on your Hero Cycle assignment.

We will also go over the marking rubric, and clarify any thoughts or questions about this.

Hero Cycle marking Rubric

Monday, May 22, 2017

Assessment Check In: Self-Evaluation.

Tuesday 23 May learning

This morning we are all going to take stock of where we are at  with our Hero Cycle  assignments. This is called a checkpoint, to make sure you are on track, there are no problems, partners are doing their fair share, and any problems that you may be having can be discussed and an acceptable solution is found.

As a class, together, we will look at the requirements of the assignment, and then you and your partner can self- evaluate what you have got done so far, and what are your next steps in the task.

You will then continue to work on your assignment and over the next two lessons, I will conference with you about your work, and discuss the next steps. This will give you a chance to explain your task, and that is often a very good way to see what you need to do next.

Keep working hard!

If any of you are stuck  or experiencing major issues, we can look at those immediately.

Assessment Task

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Assessment Task

Thursday 18 May

Today we are going to continue to work on the assessment task. This is the time for you to go over and re-read what is required for this task. You will all need to continue the work in selecting your film/book and ensuring that it shows the Hero Cycle in it. You can discuss your ideas with me, and your family to make sure you are getting organised and planning your viewing times.

Make sure you have looked at the marking criteria, we will go over this again.

You will find the link to the assessment task and a simple description of the hero cycle in the last Blog, and many of you were using this yesterday.

LI: We are preparing for the assessment task identifying and explaining the Hero's Cycle in a film or a book.

SC: I have selected an appropriate film, that clearly shows the hero cycle in it.
SC: I have made decisions about how I am going to take responsibility for viewing the film.
SC I have included my family in my organisational plans.
SC: I know clearly how this assessment is structured.
SC: I can ask questions to clarify anything I am not sure of.

Today's lesson

Set directed Reading: 'My Marae'  by Tauru Johnston  ( paper copy to be handed out in class)

Free Writing Choices are on the board.

Hero Cycle Assessment Task work.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hero Cycle Assessment

Tuesday 16 May

Today we are going to spend some time going over the assessment task to begin the planning and discussion work that you will need to do, in order to fully understand what it is you are required to do.

I have given you all a paper copy of the assessment task, and for your information this assessment task can also be viewed through our Blog. If you lose your paper copy you can always refer back to the Blog.

Assessment task for The Hero Cycle

I have also included an easy-to-understand Stages of the Hero's Journey document that should find helpful in your own work.

Stages of the Hero Cycle

With this assessment task there will be on-going questions and discussions as you begin to prepare for this task.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Developing detailed descriptions

Wednesday 10 May

Today we are going to be looking at how to include  more detail when you are explaining and describing the stages of the hero cycle in the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

LI: We are learning to develop detailed descriptions for the stages of the hero cycle.

SC: We can identify one stage of the hero cycle to describe and add more specific detail to.
SC: We can discuss this with my partner and together we can write the description.
SC: Our description has detail about the character and a quote from the film.
SC: We have re-read and edited our work.

We are specifically going to view Ricky's call to adventure. This is the part where Paula describes his' life of crime' to Bella.

Working with your partner you will describe this stage of the hero cycle, you can add this to a slide or to your paper presentation.

Then you will select 1 stage from your hero cycle to describe in depth. You will do this work with your partner.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Sons' Flood Heroics: Article. Reading Skills

Tuesday 9 May

Today we are going to be working to develop our reading skills by independently reading an article and working with your hero cycle partner to complete the response for this article.

I have already smart shared the Response Sheet and this is in your English folder. When you have completed the task, ( which should only take 1 period or it can be finished off for homework) I would like you to put it into your reading skills folder.

I have a paper copy of the article for you to read.

LI: We are revising and developing our skills for reading unfamiliar text.

SC: I can use the silent reading time to read the article carefully.
SC: I can discuss my ideas, about the main ideas, vocabulary and phrases in the article with my partner.
SC: I can complete the response task, using complete sentences, specific detail as required.

Today's lesson

Free Writing task- choices are on the board.

Silent reading- Directed reading of article.

Response work for article, discussing ideas and completing the task.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Re-draw the Hero's Journey

Wednesday 3 May

Thursday 4 May

Today we are going to continue to work in  pairs to show the Hero's journey in the visual text, 'The Hunt for The Wilderpeople'. As discussed previously in class you may choose how you are going to show this.

LI: We are learning to use the Hero's journey to analyse the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

SC: My drawing or document shows 9 to 12 stages of the hero cycle.
SC: My drawing or document is well presented and ready to share  with the class.

Today's lesson:

1.  Research and view the models of the hero's journey.
2. Choose your method: sketch/draw on paper, or create a Google drawing, to represent the hero's journey. Include:
           - Text labels for each of the stages
           - Arrows to show the direction of the journey
3. Colour your drawing to make it suitable for the wall, or to post on your blog. 

Extra for Experts: add a screenshot or image from Hunt for the Wilderpeople to each stage in the journey.