Thursday, May 18, 2017

Assessment Task

Thursday 18 May

Today we are going to continue to work on the assessment task. This is the time for you to go over and re-read what is required for this task. You will all need to continue the work in selecting your film/book and ensuring that it shows the Hero Cycle in it. You can discuss your ideas with me, and your family to make sure you are getting organised and planning your viewing times.

Make sure you have looked at the marking criteria, we will go over this again.

You will find the link to the assessment task and a simple description of the hero cycle in the last Blog, and many of you were using this yesterday.

LI: We are preparing for the assessment task identifying and explaining the Hero's Cycle in a film or a book.

SC: I have selected an appropriate film, that clearly shows the hero cycle in it.
SC: I have made decisions about how I am going to take responsibility for viewing the film.
SC I have included my family in my organisational plans.
SC: I know clearly how this assessment is structured.
SC: I can ask questions to clarify anything I am not sure of.

Today's lesson

Set directed Reading: 'My Marae'  by Tauru Johnston  ( paper copy to be handed out in class)

Free Writing Choices are on the board.

Hero Cycle Assessment Task work.

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