Monday, May 22, 2017

Assessment Check In: Self-Evaluation.

Tuesday 23 May learning

This morning we are all going to take stock of where we are at  with our Hero Cycle  assignments. This is called a checkpoint, to make sure you are on track, there are no problems, partners are doing their fair share, and any problems that you may be having can be discussed and an acceptable solution is found.

As a class, together, we will look at the requirements of the assignment, and then you and your partner can self- evaluate what you have got done so far, and what are your next steps in the task.

You will then continue to work on your assignment and over the next two lessons, I will conference with you about your work, and discuss the next steps. This will give you a chance to explain your task, and that is often a very good way to see what you need to do next.

Keep working hard!

If any of you are stuck  or experiencing major issues, we can look at those immediately.

Assessment Task

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