Wednesday, March 8, 2017

English So Far... A Self Reflection.

Wednesday March 8

Thank you all for being supportive of other students and myself, as the individual conferences were happening today in the library. That is really showing respect for everyone's learning journey.

I would like to be able to continue with these conferences tomorrow, Thursday 9 March during our lesson in P2.

It is also time for you all to engage in a self reflection task about English so far. This will be useful to share with your family and whanau, and post to your Blog.

I have made some questions  to help you reflect about your performance in English,in an honest, meaningful and constructive manner. This exercise should also encourage you to think about the goals and challenges you need to set your self in English  for the rest of the Term.

LI: We are  learning to engage in a self reflection task in a thoughtful and positive manner.

SC: I can identify my successes in English so far
SC: I can comment on my work in class.
SC: I can identify what works for my learning.
SC: I can set some personal goals for myself to work towards.

Link to document for Self Reflection Prompts

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