Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Hero Cycle

Wednesday 22  March

Today in P5 we are going to look at the Heroes Journey and how we can identify the stages that a hero goes through on his journey.

We will be watch some U tube clips that will help us to understand  the cycle that a hero goes through, and we will be beginning to apply this hero cycle to other examples in films and stories.

LI:  We are learning about the hero cycle
SC: I can begin to identify the stages of the hero cycle.
SC: I can begin to describe the stages that the hero goes through during their adventure or challenge.

Lesson Sequence 

Silent Reading

Free Writing ( choices are on the whiteboard)

Class Activity 

What do we mean by The Hero Cycle?
What makes a hero?

Your challenge is to use the internet to find a diagramme of the hero cycle or journey that makes sense to you and put this into a document  called The Heroes Journey and make sure that this goes into your hero cycle folder.

Your next task is  to search and see if you can locate a simple story or u tube clip that shows the stages of a hero cycle. This may be a short film, or a story about a real life person such as Brando Yelavich Wildboy. Include the link in your document, then see if you can identify the stages of the hero cycle in your clip.

check this clip out about a young hero. This is an example of a young hero. accepting the challenges.
A gutsy hero

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