Sunday, March 5, 2017

Inspiring People From The East-To-East Documentary

Sunday 5 March

Last week we finished viewing and making notes on one person from the documentary East-To-East that appealed or inspired us.

This week, we are continuing to explore ways in which people meet all kinds of challenges both big and small.

We are also going to continue to develop our skills in writing a paragraph explaining why the person you chose from the documentary was inspiring or appealed to you. We are continuing to build up our skills in using the SEX-Y paragraph structure. We will also look at a model of this type of paragraph and discuss the parts of the structured answer.

LI: We are learning to explain why a character was inspiring or appealing.

SC: I can identify a character and have some notes to explain why they appealed to me.
SC: I can write a statement about this person and explain why they are important.
SC: I can give some examples to support my explanation about that person.
SC: I can say why this is important.
SC: I can comment why this is important in society or the world.

The link below will take you straight to the work space in Hapara.


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