Monday, October 16, 2017

AsTTle Preparation

Monday 16 October's Learning

Welcome back to Term 4. I hope you have had a restful and happy break. This week we are going to focus on preparing for the PAT reading assessment and the asTTle writing assessment.

We will be reading a variety of texts and revising the strategies needed to be able to respond thoughtfully and correctly to questions.

We will be looking at the structure and techniques needed to develop a convincing piece of persuasive writing. You will have several opportunities to write and continue to hone these skills.
There will be a presentation that you will be able to refer back to to help you complete tasks.

You will need to bring a positive attitude and a growth mindset to these tasks and give a 100% effort. This hard work will pay off in your assessments.

All of the learning tasks and resources will be in the Hapara workspace.AsTTle and PAT Reading Preparation,

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Assessment: Formal and Creative Writing.

Friday 22 September's Learning.

We have read the novel, worked on questions and summaries and we have enjoyed the film which gave you a visual understanding of the reality of the life for the characters in the book and their community. The film really highlighted the issues around dumpsite communities, the extreme poverty and differences in wealth between the rich and the poor. It also helped us understand the issues of police brutality and corruption, it also emphasized the strong friendship between the boys and the power of hope and doing the right thing.

We will now be working to complete the assessments for this unit. This is a piece of formal and creative writing. These tasks are in the Hapara workspace. You will spend the rest of the term working to complete these tasks.

You can use your chapter summaries  and the novel to help you as you work through these tasks.

Trash work space link and assessment tasks and marking rubric.

Monday, August 28, 2017

'Trash' By Andy Mulligan

29 August Tuesday's Learning.

We are underway with the reading of our extended text study, 'Trash' by Andy Mulligan.  This is a dramatic and wonderful story.
We are now going to begin the work on completing Chapter Summaries. This is an important skill to learn as you will use it in English throughout high school.
In this task you will be required to go back and re-read independently the first 4 chapters and complete the summary work. There is work already in the table to show you how this task needs to be completed.

LI: We are learning to respond to an extended text.

SC: I can actively re-read the chapters and complete the summary table by;

  •  identifying the main points in the text.
  • selecting a relevant quote to support my ideas
  • identify and explain the important message
  • describe aspects of the setting
  • give your own opinion about the critical question in each chapter.  
Lesson Sequence

The BIG Question
This is where you will respond to a question in the Hapara workspace 

Chapter Summary Table

We will look at how we tackle this task together as a class, we will contribute our ideas and then work to put those ideas into the correct column in the table. 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Dumpsite Communities - Research Report

Monday 14 August's Learning

This week we are going to continue with our pre- reading work for our novel around the Dumpsite Communities we have been learning about. Thank you for your hard work, contributions to discussions in the tasks form last week. I think some of the discussions that we had certainly challenges us all to think about how difficult and complicated some of these situations are.
This week we are going to further develop our report writing skills and we work to complete the research report based around these communities.

All of this work is located in the Hapara workspace

Dumpsite Communities- Research Report

LI: We are learning to write a research report about a dumpsite community.

SC: I have taken notice of the task requirements, note taking template, the resources,
SC: I have read the requirements for each part of the report and used this to guide my note taking.
SC: I have actively researched and made relevant notes for each section of my report.
SC: I have used my notes to write a paragraph following the SEX-Y structure.
SC: I can proof read and edit my paragraphs as I work.

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing: The choices are in the workspace and are in the evidence section coded red.
Free Writing Choices  This link will take you straight there to the required document.

Task Requirements.

This is where we will go over the set research task so you are clear about what is required and where the resources are. This will include the assignment, note taking table, and specifically looking at the guiding questions in each section of the report. This will include the introduction, main paragraphs and the conclusion.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Dumpsite Communities

Monday 7 August's Learning

This week we are beginning to work on our pre-reading tasks for the novel study. These activities over the week are designed to build up our background knowledge that will help you to understand the novel.
These activities will make you think and reflect and may be challenging at times. This novel study helps us to broaden our own understanding of the wider issues in the world that are very different to our own experiences and our way of life.

You will need to think carefully and share your ideas and opinions about these issues in a positive and meaningful manner.

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing  The choices are in the evidence section of this work space.
Free Writing

Dumpsite Communities Viewing Activity.

Dumpsite Communities Task

Monday, July 3, 2017

'Paper Planes' Connections

Monday 3 July's Learning.

Thanks for all your hard work during exam week. Well done. The end of Term 2 is in sight. This week we are going to concentrate and complete a few tasks that need finishing and also respond to a connection to the film Paper Planes that we watched last week.

Lesson Sequence

Directed Class  Reading: 'My Family' P19, from 'How to say Delicious' Journal of Secondary Students' Writing 2005

We will spend some time in today's lesson completing a self reflection task about English. This work is set up in a Hapara work space.

Link to Self Reflection Task

We are then going to carry out a research task looking at the  Kiwi connection from Paper Planes. This is also in Hapara workspace.

The Kiwi Connection

Monday, June 19, 2017

Storm: Reading Skills.

Monday June 19's learning

Today we are continuing to develop our skills in reading for meaning and showing understanding. We are going to be looking at a small excerpt from a piece of creative writing. We are going to use our skills in reading on the lines, between the lines and beyond the lines to write thoughtful and relevant answers to questions about the text.

Lesson Sequence

Read and discuss the text.

Make notes on the copy of the paper text to help you work through the activities associated with this text.

This link will take to you the work in Hapara

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

To Infer

Tuesday 13 June's Learning

Today we are going to continue to explore the meaning of selected phrases from the poem, 'At the End of the Driveway'. We are going to pay special attention to how the writer uses clues in the poem that the reader can use to form an relevant answer, This is called making an inference, where you use the clues in the text, combined with your own knowledge to explain a key word or phrase.

LI: We are learning to use the skills of inference when we are responding to a text.

SC: I can identify the clues given in the text
SC: I can draw on my own knowledge about the key idea to help me explain
SC: I can combine the clues and my own knowledge to write a relevant paragraph.

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing Challenge

Using the SEX-Y paragraph structure, write about a time when a big experience or challenge was happening in your life.
Further ideas on the board.


'The Great Ordinary' The Photographs of Edith Amituanai  The full article form the journal. They are on the desk.

Work on Inference 

Poem: 'At the end of the Driveway' by Tim Upperton

We will use our annotated copies form the previous lesson to help us with our discussions and notes.

We will then all write our own answers to the response question, this work is in your Hapara work space.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Rhyme and Rhythm: At The End of The Driveway

Thursday June 8's Learning.

Today we are going to work to create our own language feature poster about Rhyme and Rhythm, this will be a whole class activity, that you will start work on. I will begin to work with small groups looking at responding to the poem, 'At The End of The Driveway' By Tim Upperton.

This work is already in your Hapara workspace.

All of the instructions for today's lesson are on the board, including the groups that I will be working with.

LI:  We are learning to develop our notes into a written paragraph that explains a key phrase from the

SC:I can discuss my ideas with my group.
     I can use my notes to write a brief paragraph using the SEX-Y structure to explain the phrase from the
     I can proofread and edit  my work.

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing: Select on of your pieces to continue to develop further.

Set Reading: 'Dear Joe' by Mihi Tibble from A Journal of Secondary Student's Writing 1992

We will then look at an example of a poster about Rhyme and Rhythm, go over the instructions on the board, and you will begin work on this task as I work with groups at the conference table.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Great Ordinary

Tuesday June 6's learning

Today we are going to begin to work to further develop our reading skills and being able to respond to a variety of texts in different ways.
You will be continuing to develop your skills in reading for meaning and understanding.

LI: We are learning to annotate a text.

SC: I can offer my opinions about what I notice in the text
SC: I can make brief notes on my text, that I can use in my response.
SC: I can identify some of the language features used in this text.
SC: I can use the clues given in the text to help me explain what the text means.

Sequence of Today's lesson.

Free Writing ( choices are on the board)

Class reading: The Great Ordinary The Photographs of Edith Amituanai
Class text for study: At the end of the Driveway by Tim Upperton

We are going to annotate the poem together, then you will work to complete the response work for this poem.
You will need to keep your annotated copy of the poem to help you.

Responding to the poem work.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Presentation Skills.

Tuesday 29 May's learning

We are going to look at the skills involved in presenting your assignment. We are going to view some past examples of  student's work, and discuss the skills that  are evident in these clips.

To start us off  we are going view Mr Brewer's tips

Top Tips for Oral Presentations

You will have time to develop your own skills in presenting, and complete any work on your Hero Cycle assignment.

We will also go over the marking rubric, and clarify any thoughts or questions about this.

Hero Cycle marking Rubric

Monday, May 22, 2017

Assessment Check In: Self-Evaluation.

Tuesday 23 May learning

This morning we are all going to take stock of where we are at  with our Hero Cycle  assignments. This is called a checkpoint, to make sure you are on track, there are no problems, partners are doing their fair share, and any problems that you may be having can be discussed and an acceptable solution is found.

As a class, together, we will look at the requirements of the assignment, and then you and your partner can self- evaluate what you have got done so far, and what are your next steps in the task.

You will then continue to work on your assignment and over the next two lessons, I will conference with you about your work, and discuss the next steps. This will give you a chance to explain your task, and that is often a very good way to see what you need to do next.

Keep working hard!

If any of you are stuck  or experiencing major issues, we can look at those immediately.

Assessment Task

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Assessment Task

Thursday 18 May

Today we are going to continue to work on the assessment task. This is the time for you to go over and re-read what is required for this task. You will all need to continue the work in selecting your film/book and ensuring that it shows the Hero Cycle in it. You can discuss your ideas with me, and your family to make sure you are getting organised and planning your viewing times.

Make sure you have looked at the marking criteria, we will go over this again.

You will find the link to the assessment task and a simple description of the hero cycle in the last Blog, and many of you were using this yesterday.

LI: We are preparing for the assessment task identifying and explaining the Hero's Cycle in a film or a book.

SC: I have selected an appropriate film, that clearly shows the hero cycle in it.
SC: I have made decisions about how I am going to take responsibility for viewing the film.
SC I have included my family in my organisational plans.
SC: I know clearly how this assessment is structured.
SC: I can ask questions to clarify anything I am not sure of.

Today's lesson

Set directed Reading: 'My Marae'  by Tauru Johnston  ( paper copy to be handed out in class)

Free Writing Choices are on the board.

Hero Cycle Assessment Task work.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hero Cycle Assessment

Tuesday 16 May

Today we are going to spend some time going over the assessment task to begin the planning and discussion work that you will need to do, in order to fully understand what it is you are required to do.

I have given you all a paper copy of the assessment task, and for your information this assessment task can also be viewed through our Blog. If you lose your paper copy you can always refer back to the Blog.

Assessment task for The Hero Cycle

I have also included an easy-to-understand Stages of the Hero's Journey document that should find helpful in your own work.

Stages of the Hero Cycle

With this assessment task there will be on-going questions and discussions as you begin to prepare for this task.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Developing detailed descriptions

Wednesday 10 May

Today we are going to be looking at how to include  more detail when you are explaining and describing the stages of the hero cycle in the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

LI: We are learning to develop detailed descriptions for the stages of the hero cycle.

SC: We can identify one stage of the hero cycle to describe and add more specific detail to.
SC: We can discuss this with my partner and together we can write the description.
SC: Our description has detail about the character and a quote from the film.
SC: We have re-read and edited our work.

We are specifically going to view Ricky's call to adventure. This is the part where Paula describes his' life of crime' to Bella.

Working with your partner you will describe this stage of the hero cycle, you can add this to a slide or to your paper presentation.

Then you will select 1 stage from your hero cycle to describe in depth. You will do this work with your partner.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Sons' Flood Heroics: Article. Reading Skills

Tuesday 9 May

Today we are going to be working to develop our reading skills by independently reading an article and working with your hero cycle partner to complete the response for this article.

I have already smart shared the Response Sheet and this is in your English folder. When you have completed the task, ( which should only take 1 period or it can be finished off for homework) I would like you to put it into your reading skills folder.

I have a paper copy of the article for you to read.

LI: We are revising and developing our skills for reading unfamiliar text.

SC: I can use the silent reading time to read the article carefully.
SC: I can discuss my ideas, about the main ideas, vocabulary and phrases in the article with my partner.
SC: I can complete the response task, using complete sentences, specific detail as required.

Today's lesson

Free Writing task- choices are on the board.

Silent reading- Directed reading of article.

Response work for article, discussing ideas and completing the task.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Re-draw the Hero's Journey

Wednesday 3 May

Thursday 4 May

Today we are going to continue to work in  pairs to show the Hero's journey in the visual text, 'The Hunt for The Wilderpeople'. As discussed previously in class you may choose how you are going to show this.

LI: We are learning to use the Hero's journey to analyse the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

SC: My drawing or document shows 9 to 12 stages of the hero cycle.
SC: My drawing or document is well presented and ready to share  with the class.

Today's lesson:

1.  Research and view the models of the hero's journey.
2. Choose your method: sketch/draw on paper, or create a Google drawing, to represent the hero's journey. Include:
           - Text labels for each of the stages
           - Arrows to show the direction of the journey
3. Colour your drawing to make it suitable for the wall, or to post on your blog. 

Extra for Experts: add a screenshot or image from Hunt for the Wilderpeople to each stage in the journey.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Responding to the film Hunt for The Wilderpeople

Sunday 30 April

Monday 1 May

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a good rest and a break. We will have some time at the start of the lesson to catch up and set new goals and expectations for our learning environment.

We will then finish viewing the very last part of the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople and begin to work in pairs to complete an activity responding to the film.
Together we will go over what it means to work collaboratively with a partner  to complete a set task, and we will  set some expectations around this way of working.

 You will all identify a partner you can work with, and set some expectations around this way of working and begin to work on the set activity responding to the film.

I have smart shared this document with you, and it is in your English folder. It is called, Hunt for the Wilderpeople- Response Questions.

LI: We are working in pairs to respond to the film

SC: I can work with my partner cooperatively to complete the set task.
SC; My partner and I can discuss the questions and respond in a thoughtful manner.
SC: My partner and I can identify specific evidence from the film to support our answers.
SC: My partner and I can discuss and respond to the wider issues raised in the film.

Monday, April 3, 2017

My Hero And Their Journey

Monday 3 April

We are continuing to build on our skills in being able to identify and describe the stages of the hero cycle in a story or a clip that you  have selected or will select. You will present this work in google slides and work through the tasks to make sure you have meet all the requirements.
I will work with you and help you to achieve your goals in this assignment.

 We will begin this work in class tomorrow Tuesday P1, and we will continue to work on this task throughout the rest of the week. You will share your assignment with me on Tuesday April 11.

I have smart shared this assignment with you and it is in your English folder, so you will be able to get to work straight away.

You are encouraged to make this presentation as interesting and as creative as you can. There is a lot of individual choice in this assignment but you will have to be careful how you manage your own time in class. You may need to do some work at home.

Lesson Sequence for Tuesday 4 April P1.

Silent Reading
Then I will take you through the assignment and explain what it is you will need to do.
There will be time for questions.
You will all begin work on your assignment in class while I work with students who I  didn't get to see on Monday.
We will also this week make sure your self reflection task is completed and has been edited ready for you to post to your own personal Blog.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Patrick's Challenges

Thursday March 30

We are going to work today and Friday to write up our SEX-Y paragraphs identifying and describing a part of the hero cycle that the main character Patrick from the short film 'Butterflies' goes through as he begins to accept his challenge.

The work that you have done in your group has been an opportunity to view the film and read the stages of a heroes journey and this will help you with your task to respond the the film  using the SEX-Y paragraph structure. Thank you to those group who shared their learning with each other and me yesterday in the library.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Free Writing ( choices are on the whiteboard)

Your work in responding to the film 'Butterflies' is in a  Hapara workspace. Click on the link below to take you to this space.

Responding to the film,'Butterflies' using the SEX-Y structure.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Identifying the Stages of the hero cycle

Tuesday 28 March

Today we are going to continue our work in identifying and describing the stages of the hero cycle.

We are also going to work to further develop our group skills in working with a group of 3 to view and respond to a short film, where the main character Patrick faces a challenge.

LI:We are learning about the hero cycle in the short film 'Butterflies' directed by Andy Bailey

SC: I can identify some of the stages that our hero Patrick goes through in his personal journey.
SC: I can describe a stage that Patrick goes through as he comes to terms with his challenge
SC: I can use  the SEX-Y paragraph structure in my paragraph,

Lesson Sequence

Free Writing, ( choices are on the board)

Directed reading. 'The Stages of the Hero's Journey'
'The Hero's Journey' text

We will then watch the short film, 'Butterflies' and work in a sensible manner in our groups to identify and label the stages of Patrick's Journey using the hero cycle vocabulary. We will complete this task on paper. You may need to go back and re-watch parts to help you identify the stages of Patrick's hero journey. You will write about the main points of each stage that Patrick goes through.

Think about Patrick's hero cycle.

Who or what is his fear?

Short film 'Butterflies'

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Hero Cycle

Wednesday 22  March

Today in P5 we are going to look at the Heroes Journey and how we can identify the stages that a hero goes through on his journey.

We will be watch some U tube clips that will help us to understand  the cycle that a hero goes through, and we will be beginning to apply this hero cycle to other examples in films and stories.

LI:  We are learning about the hero cycle
SC: I can begin to identify the stages of the hero cycle.
SC: I can begin to describe the stages that the hero goes through during their adventure or challenge.

Lesson Sequence 

Silent Reading

Free Writing ( choices are on the whiteboard)

Class Activity 

What do we mean by The Hero Cycle?
What makes a hero?

Your challenge is to use the internet to find a diagramme of the hero cycle or journey that makes sense to you and put this into a document  called The Heroes Journey and make sure that this goes into your hero cycle folder.

Your next task is  to search and see if you can locate a simple story or u tube clip that shows the stages of a hero cycle. This may be a short film, or a story about a real life person such as Brando Yelavich Wildboy. Include the link in your document, then see if you can identify the stages of the hero cycle in your clip.

check this clip out about a young hero. This is an example of a young hero. accepting the challenges.
A gutsy hero

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Group Work: Responding to the article,'The unsung hero of Bourke Street

Tuesday 21 March.

Thus week we are continuing to work in  groups and respond to the article,'The Unsung hero of Bourke Street.

I will continue to work with groups and it helps us all if everyone takes responsibility for their independent learning. This means that when I am working with a group, you will be engaged in your own work.
This work has been shared with you in the Hapara workspace.

Click here to take you to the work space in Hapara

Please remember that you don't need to share your document with me, as we are in the workspace you will click submit when you have completely finished the work. This work will take 2 or 3 periods to complete.

Lesson Sequence for today.

Silent Reading

Free Writing ( choices will be on the board)

Continue to work either independently or with me at the conference table for responding to the article: 'The unsung hero of Bourke Street'

Monday, March 13, 2017

What makes a hero?

Monday 13 March

Thank you for working on your self reflection task about your work, progress and goal setting ideas about your efforts in English.
Some of you still have some work to do here and you will need to make sure that this is finished. I will continue to check in with some of you to see how you are getting along with this task.

We are now beginning to explore our ideas and thoughts around what makes a hero. This work will lead us into thinking about the heroes in our own lives, and what are the personal qualities a hero has.

LI: We are learning about what makes a hero
SC: I can contribute my ideas about the qualities a hero has to the padlet
SC: I can identify and  develop my own ideas about a hero in my life,
SC: I can use the SEX-Y paragraph structure to explain the importance of my hero to me in my life.

Lesson Sequence
Reading will be directed today, click on the link below to take you to a hero story. Read it carefully and see if you can identify the qualities this person showed during a terrible ordeal.

The Unsung Hero of Bourke Street.

Contribute your ideas about what makes a hero on the Padlet.
A hero is Padlet

We are then going to explore our own heroes in our personal lives. I would like you to make a document in your English folder and call it My Hero.
Using the SEX-Y paragraph structure, I'd like you to write explaining;

  • Who is your hero?
  • What makes them a hero to you?
  • Why do they inspire you?
  • How do they show you they have the qualities of a hero?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

English So Far... A Self Reflection.

Wednesday March 8

Thank you all for being supportive of other students and myself, as the individual conferences were happening today in the library. That is really showing respect for everyone's learning journey.

I would like to be able to continue with these conferences tomorrow, Thursday 9 March during our lesson in P2.

It is also time for you all to engage in a self reflection task about English so far. This will be useful to share with your family and whanau, and post to your Blog.

I have made some questions  to help you reflect about your performance in English,in an honest, meaningful and constructive manner. This exercise should also encourage you to think about the goals and challenges you need to set your self in English  for the rest of the Term.

LI: We are  learning to engage in a self reflection task in a thoughtful and positive manner.

SC: I can identify my successes in English so far
SC: I can comment on my work in class.
SC: I can identify what works for my learning.
SC: I can set some personal goals for myself to work towards.

Link to document for Self Reflection Prompts

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Inspiring People From The East-To-East Documentary

Sunday 5 March

Last week we finished viewing and making notes on one person from the documentary East-To-East that appealed or inspired us.

This week, we are continuing to explore ways in which people meet all kinds of challenges both big and small.

We are also going to continue to develop our skills in writing a paragraph explaining why the person you chose from the documentary was inspiring or appealed to you. We are continuing to build up our skills in using the SEX-Y paragraph structure. We will also look at a model of this type of paragraph and discuss the parts of the structured answer.

LI: We are learning to explain why a character was inspiring or appealing.

SC: I can identify a character and have some notes to explain why they appealed to me.
SC: I can write a statement about this person and explain why they are important.
SC: I can give some examples to support my explanation about that person.
SC: I can say why this is important.
SC: I can comment why this is important in society or the world.

The link below will take you straight to the work space in Hapara.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

East-To-East Documentary and Identifying Challenges

Thursday 2 March

We are going to view the East-To-East documentary again, this time focusing on one person that appealed to you. We are going to be looking closely ( viewing) and thinking about the challenges that many of the people were dealing with,  that were raised in the documentary. You will take some notes about what you hear and see and these will be used in our paragraph writing.

LI: We are learning to respond to the Issues/Challenges in the documentary

SC: I can identify a person that appeals to me.
       I can identify some of the issues they are facing
       I can makes notes describing the issue/and strategies they use
       I can select a personal quote that will explain their situation.

Note taking table

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Go over what is required for task and making the new folder.
Close viewing of documentary and note taking.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Wildboy: The Journey of Brando Yelavich

Sunday 26 February

Learning Intention: We are learning to actively engage with the text and develop full sentence, answers and paragraphs ( using the SEX-Y paragraph structure)

Success Criteria:
       I can read and re-read the text to locate specific detail for my sentences/ paragraphs
       I can write a statement, an explanation with examples to support my explanation.
       I can think about why this is important.
       I can stay focused and complete the set work as my teacher works with another group.

We are going to complete the work on Responding to the set questions and paragraph work for the Wildboy: The Journey of Brando Yelavich  article. We have worked hard to go back and re-read to locate and find specific detail to be able to answer a question in a full sentence with supporting detail.
Some of you have worked hard to develop a paragraph answer, using the structure of the SEX-Y paragraph that we are just beginning to learn about and use in our work.

There will be plenty more opportunities for you to continue to develop those skills.

As a class we experimented with some separate group teaching, thanks for being responsible and contributing to that exercise. I still have a few people to see on Monday P3 and this should be the end of this work. After this period I'd like you to submit for feedback your work in Hapara.

We are going to look at a documentary about a group of young people who also worked to accept a challenge.

There will be an opportunity to respond and think about what these students went through to meet their challenge.
This will lead into a challenge that you have experienced.

Lesson Sequence  for P3 Monday 27 February.

Silent Reading

Free Writing from a choice of starters

Group conference with teacher for those I have not already worked with.
Other groups to complete work and submit for feedback